The Secret “First To Market Method” That’s Responsible For $50 Million Dollars In Dropshipping Revenue That Will Help You Find Your First Million Dollar “Gold Mine” Product

Without Using Traditional Methods Like Doom Scrolling AliExpress or SpyTools

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What's included in FutrGroup?


  • How To Find “Gold Mine” Winning Products Using The First To Market Method So You Can Create A “Blue Ocean Opportunity” For Yourself
  • Learn To Produce “Oscar-Award Winning” Creatives That Help Your Customer Develop a “Love Bond” With Your Product
  • Learn How To Create Landing Pages That Give Off A “Nike-Level” Big Brand Feel Which Eliminates The Customer’s Skepticism & Produces High Conversion Rates
  • Unlock A List of 1000 Untested Winning Products Hand-Picked By A $50 Million Dollar Dropshipper So You Can Eliminate Time-Draining Product Research & Focus On Testing + Scaling
  • Unlock A List of 70+ First To Market Products Uploaded Weekly That Are Handpicked By A $50 Million Dollar Dropshipper
  • Become a Member of an “Invite-Only” Community That Produces A 89% Success Rate
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Message From The Desk of Franky Shaw:

The most successful dropshippers I know are using strategies that 99% are not AWARE of..

To me, it makes perfect sense as to why 99% of dropshippers fail.

Because it’s saturated. For most.

If you’re someone who’s had a small amount of success..

But can’t seem to find the “Gold Mine” product that will change the course of your life, this letter is for you.

If you’re someone who’s had no success..

But you’re banging your head against the wall trying to figure out dropshipping, this letter is also for you.

I’ve been in your shoes before. I know how frustrating this game can be..

Putting in countless hours to do product research.. 

You eventually find a product you think has potential..

Then you invest even MORE time into producing creatives.. 

You use your hard-earned money to launch ads..

You’re excited.. 

You think this could be the product that will help you become financially free..

And eventually.. You quickly realize that the product you chose is a flop..

Then it’s time to repeat the process again..

It’s frustrating. I know.

However, deep down inside..

You KNOW that if you can find your “Gold-Mine” product, all of your dreams will become a reality..

I want to tell you something that nobody in the dropshipping space will..

It’s not your fault.

You just don’t know what you don’t know.

The methods & strategies you’ve invested hours into learning just don’t work anymore..

The truth is..

The methods sold to you by people who show off their fancy cars and cool watches on their Instagrams have led you down the road of “saturation”..

This is because these methods are being used by most dropshippers, including you..

Everybody’s competing against each other.

And I get it; you’re probably working hard..

Which is great..

BUT, you’re shooting yourself in the foot before you gain any traction..

I’ve generated $50 Million in revenue because I only compete against myself.

Warren Buffett once famously said:

“It doesn’t matter how hard you row, but what boat you are in”

And he couldn’t be more spot on.

My life changed forever when I changed the “boat” I was in..

AKA.. I started using strategies that most weren’t using..

Since then, I’ve been able to generate $50 million dollars in dropshipping revenue..

Now that I’ve invested over a DECADE of my life into this game, I’ve decided it’s time to give back..

I want to help people in the same situation that I was in 10 years ago.

I’m doing this because the dropshipping space is full of lies, regurgitated strategies, and deceit.

Most dropshipping gurus make money from the courses they sell rather than from dropshipping..

I don’t need to do this. I don’t have to work another day in my life..

But I feel morally obligated to provide strategies that ACTUALLY work for those who are willing to commit to changing their lives..

This is why I’ve decided to launch FUTR Group 2.0..

Inside of FUTR Group you’ll get access to:

  • How To Find “Gold Mine” Winning Products Using The First To Market Method So You Can Create A “Blue Ocean Opportunity” For Yourself
  • Learn To Produce “Oscar-Award Winning” Creatives That Help Your Customer Develop a “Love Bond” With Your Product
  • Learn How To Create Landing Pages That Give Off A “Nike-Level” Big Brand Feel Which Eliminates The Customer’s Skepticsim & Produces High Conversion Rates
  • Unlock A List of 1000 Untested Winning Products Hand-Picked By A $50 Million Dollar Dropshipper So You Can Eliminate Time-Draining Product Research & Focus On Testing + Scaling
  • Unlock A List of 70+ First To Market Products Uploaded Weekly That Are Handpicked By A $50 Million Dollar Dropshipper
  • Become a Member of an “Invite-Only” Community That Produces A 89% Success Rate

I don’t provide a surface-level course and throw you into the deep end like most “Lambo Gurus.”

We first equip you with legitimate skills and strategies to help you create a blue ocean opportunity for yourself..

We then provide you with WINNING products on a weekly basis that are hand-picked by me..

And as you go through your journey, we provide you support every step of the way..

I want to be very clear..

This isn’t for people who want to get rich overnight..

This isn’t for beginners..

When you join, you’ll work with some of the best dropshippers in the space..

And you’ll be surrounded by a group of people who are ALL-IN on changing their lives forever

If you’re tired of being on an endless merry-go-round of launching failing products..

If you’re tired of investing hours upon hours trying to find winning products that MAY be a winner..

If you’re tired of using the same old strategies that DONT work..

Then you’re at the right place..

If you’re interested in being the first-to-market, a trendsetter, and a person that can finally say that they have changed their life forever..

Then go ahead, and book a call below & we’ll see if you’re a good fit..



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